Wednesday, May 19, 2010


How do you get so sick to want to do others harm
To destroy their lives; means of livelihood
When the way you advertise yourself do not warn
Pretending the best in the neighborhood

How do you get so sick that you but fail to realize
That most know just how gravely, you’re ill
The best of friend but foe; all left but traumatized
Through pretenses of liberty; peoples’ will

Friday, May 14, 2010


Time is of essence for maturity
For data gathering; gaining experience
Knowledge becoming its gratuity
In airs of authority; of such ambience

Time is of integral application
Yet in character remains unchanged
Yet, summarily; main contribution
Time but itself; all so but re-arrange

Wednesday, May 12, 2010


Wisdom is the product of the mind
Actively hence after full consideration
Compatible with its healthy design
Remaining whole in final deliberation

Wisdom is the substance of arrival
Brokered out of a corral of foolishness
Structured without the use of walls
Shared without a hint of indebtedness

Tuesday, May 11, 2010


Time is needed for every process
No less for thought; its organization
In all matters to properly address
Needed for effective communication

As such arises the state of mind
As to pertinent data; own preparation
Within itself or outwardly find
Suffering not or any; condemnation

Monday, May 10, 2010


On unchartered economic course have since set-sailed
Depicted in false alarms of having sighted land
In desperation of bail-outs to have full impact curtailed
In yet surprises; in vivid pretenses of planned

Ever since Columbus indeed nothing ever so outfitted
(Unknowingly cutoff in attempt to go around)
With criminals as crew; unpunished crimes committed
Set to be sailing: In living testimony, aground

Sunday, May 09, 2010


Every action is of a consequence
Even when clothed in ignorance
When less revealing in its sequence
When in appearance perchance

Each consequence requires action
Most often found correctional
The nature; extent its compilation
So, motivationally inspirational

Thursday, May 06, 2010


Systems suggest legitimacy
Otherwise may not belong
Introduce with all immediacy
However terribly wrong

Systems quickly but define
Screening in its definition
There to constantly remind
Entity of own recognition

Monday, May 03, 2010


The highest mindful state is to be at peace
Or relentlessly for such actively strive
Moving to such perfection but never cease
Beneath every interaction such drive

The utmost mindful state is that of peace
To which interactively can be kind
Or be mistaken but exist within its breach
Insensitive but indeed so; benign

Sunday, May 02, 2010


Where are you destined except to some end
Never as what you may perceive it to be
Though some of which of what would pretend
Clearly non- characteristic of infinity

Where are you destined except yet projected
For as little beyond no concrete proof
What! When in practice that theory rejected
In guilty realization found not fireproof

Saturday, May 01, 2010


Acts of economic survival spare not morality
While often pretend to be kind; humane
Secretly attending some sinister eventuality
Loyal to that outcome: Cunningly remain

Acts of economic revival perform but credibly
To some sly tune of a corresponding plan
In a huge pretense of progress seem incredibly
Until its lowliness but begin to understand