Sunday, October 31, 2010


By a process of elimination we mature
By retaining and discarding per our taste
Storing experiences to cater to future
And in those deductions to but build faith

But what when all gathered applies not
With all occurring but no reference point
And all that we know but a useless clot
When nothing in memory can we appoint

Friday, October 29, 2010


There is no safe place anywhere on earth
And the canopy of sky, filled with holes
But ever now getting your money’s worth
Even a pretense of interest in your soul

There is no one or place to which to turn
In which you could place your total trust
Except of which from your situation; learn
Satisfy an otherwise unquenchable thirst

Wednesday, October 27, 2010


Opportunities do come heavily disguised
Especially those termed as disaster
Left without cannot be otherwise realized
Like death as necessary for hereafter

Leery as we may be of the unwelcomed
They present to us lasting change
Our attitudes; our values afreshly found
The stage so set but to re-arrange

Monday, October 25, 2010


The origin of the world remains scientific theory
As opposed to scriptural accounts of creation
Where life came about after a big bang and fury
As opposed of scriptural study and meditation

Towards the end of the world no scientific wonder
As opposed to detailed scriptural description
As so much is changed from familiar-here to yonder
Without hope of reversal but a prescription

Saturday, October 23, 2010


Deeply indulge in all that gladdens the spirit
That brings about great joy; personal freedom
To character and personality much given credit
So reign in the self-made, personalized kingdom

Deeply indulge in all that energizes the spirit
But not without personal sacrifices; self denial
Selecting the principles of uprightness; of merit
In analysis of a courtroom where life's the trial

Tuesday, October 19, 2010


I have found indisputable evidence of Him
Indulging in and pursuing ordinary truth
Examining and exploring all thought of sin
Wherein my own correlations offered proof

I have found indisputable evidence of Him
That excited my being and opened an appetite
Of where I should go; the places I have been
In a fit of new pupose; tremendous hind-sight

Sunday, October 17, 2010


How do you address a mentality
Filled with biases; seeks redress
The extent of its own capability
When all its energies thus invest

How do you address a mentality
Thinking heaven out of living hell
How could clear such ambiguity
Without yourself too being unwell

Saturday, October 16, 2010


Deny yourself but one little treat
Discover a new world through denial
The strength found by such a feat
The wisdom evolved by such a trial

Deny yourself later a dearer treat
Discover the freedom from such crave
Sit yourself from an opposing seat
Examine the way you once behaved

Friday, October 15, 2010


When “wants” are reduced to bare needs
Truly realistic follows thoughts and actions
Become ridded from every degree of greed
Purely then our contacts and connections

When wanton desires returned basic needs
Different the realisms hence interactions
Different our motivations hence our deeds
And disappeared would be our every faction

Thursday, October 14, 2010


The best response to any willful act
Is to do absolutely nothing
For in so doing is to but make a pact
And equal and same, pursuing

The best response to anything debased
Is merely to watch and to wait
In any way less but become such a case
Exactly would be such your fate

Wednesday, October 13, 2010


Life is carefully orchestrated
Despite its seeming randomness
Of all and not anticipated
Even when it lacks tenderness

All life is fully orchestrated
Barely short without awareness
Of the and non-contemplated
Hastily closed without openness

Tuesday, October 12, 2010


Throughout life there are distinct messages
Extracted by exploring each, our situations
By what we conclude and further, envisage
Though popular may not be those solutions

Throughout life we make many hardened calls
Brought about by many a-heartless situation
Solid recovery from where we otherwise fall
Too often discounted as but wild imagination

Monday, October 11, 2010


Within the walls of ill-will and well wishes
I dearly clutch but my fragile sanity
And search and seal but all the breaches
And prevent every potential cavity

Within the confines of life’s daily routine
Yet at no sacrifice to my very best
I change the calls: Hey! Reset the scene
Head-on!; but how each day is met

Sunday, October 10, 2010


What’s responsible for your attitude
To what owed; to what can such be held
To what loyalty acts out such servitude
To what experience has been so compelled

What’s responsible for such disposition
Can it undergo correction; needed repair
Removed from; as required precondition
End to self-imposed unnecessary despair