Sunday, September 23, 2012


The primary worship of God is the recognition of the equality of all men
And the appreciation for all creatures and proper state of the environment
Thus the hope of the world is that it is all better now than ever then
And in such liklihoods do we choose and such be the nature of our governments

For the evidence and experience of God depends directly on such conditions
But such state and condition(s) are, too, directly dependent on all man-
And so man by his nature either erects or removes from God such partition(s)
And in either way but sets the stage for God's most ultimate plan

Friday, September 21, 2012


In materialistic transactions bordering mind control
Has replaced acts of genuine love; such acts of kindness
Of such too much of the world has already taken hold
To extents of resultant spiritual blindness

When it applies to wanton materialism love becomes faked
Totally absent, in real terms, any act resembling kindness
It is then that spirituality is gambled; most fully at stake
With actions then on automatic; totally mindless

Tuesday, September 18, 2012


There are no parallels ot God here on earth
Nor are ther any equals  the entire universe
And no man without Him amounts any worth
And any man without Him but unto self, a curse

There are no parallels to God but anywhere found
And all without Him but left hopelessly lost
And only fully with Him but to Heaven gates bound
Those who but partially pay the corresponding costs

Thursday, September 13, 2012


Change the values of the formula for your existence
In righteousness to all to our God draw near
Thrive to noble, peaceful and progressive co-existence
And in goodwill not arms but share

Change the values of the formula of the global equation
In such a togetherness that God becomes near
For better then best in such worthwhile preparation
So let love be the replacement of all the fear

Monday, September 03, 2012


Just suppose the soul never leaves the body
Just as well consciousness remains intact
That death is assumed only in its rigidity
That the state of existence but subtly swapped

What if life-everlasting proves exactly that
That one just waits out until time of Rapture
Hence in no pyres consumed; in no tombs entrapped
Just what if those perspectives totalled hereafter