Monday, October 29, 2012


Improve your relationship with God until, "One-on-one"
Talk to Him freely and observe for His replies
And like to every faithful daughter and an upright son
Will He equally aprreciate your thanks as your cries

Progress your dependency on God until but no other
Make Him your number relationship and of your love
Yet of the world be its wise sister and such worthy brother
T'is a taste of what Heaven but actually made of

Monday, October 22, 2012


Allow God until the eventual total possession of you
Let Him be the consultant of every thought, hence word, hence deed
To His written teachings be attentive and to them most true
And by your own life- example so sow but worthwhile seeds

Allow God the eventual, full possession of your entire being
For practically you would never be but  a vacant place
Without Him you'll be ever searching to find any meaning
In series of short stop-overs of some fleeting phase

Sunday, October 21, 2012


All throughout life personal truths are revealed
Thus too once mystery to mankind renders discovery
Thus becomes open for scrutiny all where once sealed
Thus all man make adjustments; much to his recovery

All throughout life personal truths are revealed
Anxiously awaiting by our own disclosures to match
In new healthy combinations; of once unhealthily concealed
And nested where savage plots would have been hatched

Saturday, October 20, 2012


To know God is to actively be reliant on Him
To love God is to but cherish that reliance
But further strengthened by every avoidance of sin
But to dwell and thrive in such cheerful compliance

To really know God but cannot help but return His love
In deeds of active truthfulness so daily weigh in
Dwell in such light but become everything thereof
And become a member of a body of all so therein

Wednesday, October 10, 2012


Our bodies crave God to function properly
So does our mind less it becomes diseased
For they are of His nature but His property
Awaiting our approval to fulfill the lease

Our bodies begin at first a vacant premises
As babes so our minds of any occupation
When as ideal for God's plans and purposes
Conditions so rightful for the rest of creation

Tuesday, October 09, 2012


On the grace of God so each day partake
On the wings of God most high
Yet in the same breath would His cause forsake
So each day a little would I die

On His hope so can each new day take
So in each new venture doth I
But without it blessed success is faked
But to less and less then try

Monday, October 08, 2012


Without any thoughts of goodness, wickedness gets in
Thus any innocence but not a valid claim
Without acts of salvation, damnation breaks in
And on the wrong side of the divide would remain

Between acts of love and acts of hate; no middle
So thin and distinct the dividing line
That simple, that exact; no mystery, no riddle
So you're either sickened or else quite fine

Sunday, October 07, 2012


God does not mind you depending on Him
(For the most part, you do: It's just not conscious)
But especially in the avoidance of anything sin
When take the pains for those even less obvious

God does not mind you calling upon Him
(You do so daily though it remains unconscious)
The evidence of when you succeed; meritoriously win
When you acquire all that you do may be so precious

Friday, October 05, 2012


Approach God energetically while still alive
When there is will and way to achieve that end
When can witness to others as to how arrived
When of former self would so meritoriously ascend

Approach God willingly as opposed to be taken
So as living light to your contemporaries, gleam
With room to correct when caught genuinely mistaken
And as such to Heaven's door stand; so be its mean

Thursday, October 04, 2012


I am a lone survivor between Heaven and hell
Mapping a way since my solitary arrival
And of its causes and effects I am yet to tell
Yet a mere bystander to most life's carnivals

I am a lone survivor daily etching a way
Though mostly the way I had gone; before
Amongst plenty of talk but very little to say
And so have more days off than those; on