Tuesday, September 30, 2014


Some disturbed, of their schemes, irreversibly disturbed the environment
Same sponsor global disturbances falsely advertised to, "liberate"
Of a mindful state as they cause others; once investigated but of torment
Amidst further wickedness, as themselves, cleverly attempt, exonerate

It's evidenced that they'll continue until satisfied; a path of total destruction
In an obvious condemnation of themselves by their insistent ill will
As they thrive/triumph in every of their ill- engineered ruckus/commotation
Where of such things, until to completion, remain resolutely; but still

Monday, September 29, 2014


The  last days (have arrived) as inspirationally foretold (even if only) Biblically
Interpreted as God (as Jesus) intervening by some (utterly convinced) of the, "faithful"
So they patiently await (as does God) for man's turnaround thus how ironically
As (all included) endure his own actions disguised to him in all so consequential

Man, by virtue of his created purpose was/is granted dominion over all of earth
Of which the bigoted of him was allowed; admired hence prided himself to ill-do
In distorted meaning of progress hence a global rearrangement of relative self-worth
Reaching a magnitude of disorientation that it recognizes not its peril and but continue

Sunday, September 28, 2014


Willingly/Consciously, use every opportunity to rely on God
As an exercise of His evidence and an increase of own Faith
Compare your situations as applicable/relative His written word
Thus enabled of your life to personally/ spiritually evaluate

Investigatively enquire/identify, "of God" that all surrounds us
With an eye-out for where is faked as opposed to truly manifest
In such development of mind without judgement calls but thrust
In an appetite for better based/founded on all so, "first-hand"; rests

Saturday, September 27, 2014


 Each man has been empowered to redeem himself or remain (as is) sinfully condemned
Integral of God's new (current) covenant (as embodied Jesus) made available, every man
Relayed directly to each of us, in the medium of ordinary life given-over to comprehend
What indeed, individually our created purpose as fits collectively as God globally planned

Each man has been empowered to redeem himself or as equally  optional so himself; destroy
Intricately so carried-out by every personal will and power of reasoning (his own intellect)
Thus fully for himself but held responsible as to why with God did (or not) willingly comply
Either in a redeemed actualization of life-everlasting or as popularly (by sin) a physical death

Friday, September 26, 2014


God, after convincing evidence of Himself as afforded to each and every man
Remain abandoned: Left in-want of far too many's total belief
So, "stood-up"; so torn to bits all (for us, all) of loving design; of careful plan
As man from self-discipline devised methods offering such relief

God, after sharing convincing evidence of Himself delivered to/in every medium
Was/Is failed man's realization that indeed He exists globally as , "One"
Of resultant separate, independent approaches set opposingly of/in pandemonium
Ironically of Him: As confusingly in every ugly, ill, in His name done

Thursday, September 25, 2014


Each religion presents a package of beliefs, "supported" by some Scripture
Mean't of spiritual appeal/ explanation that pleases God thus of Heaven
That is followed out of blind tradition or of recruitment by  a convincing "picture"
Each of a bold posture that assumes/ boasts as theirs being as God-given

Each religion, like other competing world bodies, seek global popularity
In restricted attempts by way of culture(s) ; proven same of other nationalities
For recruitment, larger membership, each advertised by strength hence priority
Instead of abridging their concepts, engaging in their given commonalities

Wednesday, September 24, 2014


God's words, though however petite, insignificantly packaged
Is potent and compiled to solve every last puzzle, globally
Both as personally and collectively; to all a provided bridge
For any/ all to cross-over but of set conditions asked faithfully

God's words, however seem limited to a small compilation
Is not of any necessity of mass interpretation; need standardized
Of a capability that contours to as applied to every situation
Where of every possible human need of God's solution; arriive

Tuesday, September 23, 2014


Life however/ wherever experienced, provide the signs and/or directions
That deductively, correlatively, inevitably points a way towards God
When realized appetitively encourage an energetic will of such connection
For, by a process of elimination or comparison nothing to better have

Life however/ wherever experienced is analytically, a lone, individual journey
That begins/ is undertaken with programmed options given in each, our case
Dictated by governed culture(s), nationalities, religion(s) of each such economy
Partitioned by those ambitions, self-value and global attitudes that so interface

Monday, September 22, 2014


You have found (perhaps stumbled) to the service to which I am, "called"
Beckoning to me from long ago and way too far from home
In a beginning journey of practised sincerity that exposed me; all appalled
During which I discovered life, though a gift but yet on-loan

You are now fully engaged into the service for which I was fully prepared
Of the same warmth, love and security provided me from womb
Now fully developed as "fielded" in such evident, certainty here so I share
In implied/hidden overrides of a funeral pyre or of somehow entombed

Sunday, September 21, 2014

GOD and "STATE-"

Any of profound belief in God cannot help but discover; evidently, subsequently know
That God's love for every man, though tailored in content but of no-less so spread, globally
In any such realm, once of being sure have found Him, can any, confidently/relatively, grow
For God has no need, neither input, however seemingly the goodwill of any's foreign-policy

Any, globally, whom of founded, solemn belief revel in the knowledge that God, so real
Is never disguised in any manipulative packages labelled, goodwill; ensnaring political aid
Can easily detect those disguises however selective; by nature however cleverly concealed
Thus aligning/identifying, however a super-power, of no need/desire; of not so doing; unafraid

Saturday, September 20, 2014


It is man's (held dear) different, turned, opposing misconceptions of God
That plunges this world into its current, terrible state
Insistent in villifyng each other where instead becoming devilishly at-odds
That motivates to eliminate rather than attempt inter-faith

In this sustained foolishness dare to think that God is with any, pleased
As individually killing and wantonly destroying in His name
If only they knew how angry it makes Him, would, with  all immediacy, cease
For, if anything He asked of us, is of vengeance to refrain

Friday, September 19, 2014


Convert not (otherwise would be) ordinary challenges into something (imagined) threatening
Aided almost entirely by an inflated ego; by insufficient applicable knowledge and/or skills
By through such realise own pertinent inadequacy rather than to arrive/become of ill-thinking
So thrown into a fit to "fix" that any response (however inappropriate) can, but  even fulfill

Convert not the challenges of another's "being" into unwanted, undesirable; troubled situation(s)
Urged to be "settled"/ eliminated with immdeiacy without any lengthy consideration of total cost
Hastily putting at risk all you so try feverishly to, "protect" of eventual, self-evident deterioration
Reciprocally pose a real threat to others especially those, of held positions of your care; your trust

Thursday, September 18, 2014


Like God, the devil is not anywhere beyond the self
But assist in what beyond is so perceived
Identifying such within all such perception simply melt
And God so stifled but allowed to breathe

Outward manifestations of the devil is of what is disowned
But of a convenience/portrayal of being good
Of a guarded mentality and state which makes us proned
To disdain others while we remain overlooked

Wednesday, September 17, 2014


God is no longer stirred by our cries; "devoted prayers"
Remaining empty of His answers requiring our participation
In helping self, so others; recognising of all akin and of His care
How needless our countless divisions; shallow our such separation(s)

God is no longer moved by our cries; of our disguised prayers
That include not ourselves as part; most times the root of problem
Of the further obscurred vision as seen through resulting tears
Long proven, too much, too late, too tired to ever try tosolve them

Tuesday, September 16, 2014


Mosts,"vision ' is limited to immediate well-being and/or survival
So can only see through a small aperture of a gigantic world
So in as equally small amounts the ideas of ambition and "arrival"
Driven usually by some immediate discomfort and/or current turmoil

To see; envision beyond is of no priority, of no will and/or power
For the burning desire is to satisfy/negate all of the ill immediacy
And remain of a restlessness until by some means live that, "hour"
And if prolonged and surely,if not, prepared to die as diligently 


My private life is spent with God
Making my public life as, "private"
Restraining me from what most, would
For to serve God but only mandate

My private life is being, "one" with God
In spin-offs so perform, publicly
Where but conclusion of most, "afterwards"
And of all participants as eventually

Sunday, September 14, 2014


There are those, who, after driving some natives into submission claimed/named their land
Promptly imported/bought captives forced into free labor to facilitate its, "development"
In equal resoluteness used the, "Good-Book" to imitate a halo of thus framed, ill-demands
To deeper still, in sovereignity made God to share in the motto of such nation/government

Today, with its military muscle, short only of eviction, so brazenly taken control of others' lands
There, insist in cheap labor of a package of indebtedness so as to boost their, "development"
With the contents of the  Good-Book since changed to their mandate; kept only within their span
In an exact theme and spirit where God is voted terms of reign elected as theirs; world president

Saturday, September 13, 2014


Sub-human manipulation has nothing to do with God
Worse, amassing untold wealth by such foul means
Worst, pretending heeding the principles of His word
While missing no opportunity to, all others; demean

To wilfully/artfully reduce/eliminate others pride/dignity
Are elements of enslavement of a physical past
Though today, not as obvious but of same pain/depravity
Perpetrator(s) of instituted, global/economic curse

Friday, September 12, 2014


On plateaus of beliefs and behaviors do we complacently, dwell
In altered states of well-being filmsily as do; collectively
Where in un-investigated acceptance into such lulls remain where fell
Into interactions and/or relationships to all so limited; as passively

Be thus satisfied with plateau any existence of apex escapes mind
For the very nature of the plateau blocks any opening to so search
So crowded and intense each plateau but its characteristic sign
Of a reluctance through lonliness or strong suspicion of any other urge

Thursday, September 11, 2014


The consequences of man's choices clubs him into submission
Where God appears the wisest option of all so confronted
Its in the midst of those circumstances God becomes an invitation
In the dire needs of being sheltered; immediately comforted

Its the pre-viewed necessary, disciplined change of behaviour
That causes man to submit to/ settle for, "lesser than"
Knowing that it's in partnership that provides, for each; a Saviour
Shyly recognising the, "boot-camp" necessity of that plan

Wednesday, September 10, 2014


Realisations, for us, clears the way
Leading to a stump-wall of some decision
Once over may stumble on a number of ways
With which different outcomes each commisioned

In trial and error will discover that only one
Can over any given period be implemented
Where in each attempt differently must become
Equally so, too every thing in each context; presented

Tuesday, September 09, 2014


In a criss-cross of paths determined as, "life"
Each etches a path of some, "pictured" destiny
Whether of belief of final closure or an after-life
Of something compelling to be proven real or of fantasy

 In that criss-cross of paths deeply stalk, each ambitions
In constant comparison and evaluation that triggers self-worth
Dipped (at times) in favorable (at others) unfavorable conditions
Where each of billions in their billion ways set-forth

Sunday, September 07, 2014


God gave no one, nor nation, nor of no particular descendants, mandate to wage war
In any justification of liberating others; vainly thinking of self becoming the standard
If anything, by providing a fine example, without conceit; of no urge to be regarded, "star"
But allow others upon examination, freedom to optionally choose, as permits us by God

God is certainly pleased by any upright individual; group, even when so, nationally
That first, makes no claim of Him, in-trust but which clashes in its deeds of that motto
That humbly serves but not in competition, assuming the characteristics of His identity
So reservedly so, armed to the teeth, to effect change care-not to others door-steps, go

Friday, September 05, 2014


Though physically it may be less than ideal
As the very attitudes of the members there
Its where my worst may be well concealed
So well complemented, I lack being aware

T'is mostly the source of my comfort/longing
In a trade of weaknesses in terms as, "happy"
Though all far from ideal but deeply belonging
But branch, of all so put together; family tree

Tuesday, September 02, 2014


All of God's power and promised glory constricts through man's will and intellect
Live evidence as portrayed globally; as dynamically operant in each personal life
Mostly because of all communicated to us, by Him, in disabling filters worthlessly collect
In our poor determination of good and bad; in biased positions of being wrong or right

All of God's power and promised glory is thus fragmented; only in bits and pieces but recognised
But which can  be recovered in a turnnaround of our own attitude/ disposition towards unity and peace
Bedded in consciousness of how/why we are so divided but of better thinking of how so comprised
Only then can we of God's intended power and promised glory be finally blessed ; be so increased