Friday, October 31, 2014


 Upon whose Spiritual instruction(s) are you following
Likewise which Spiritual account/doctrine, choose comply
How well connected to your intellect; logical reasoning
If found, not as well but, "ask" as to really, indeed, why

If you were to first acknowledge that God is within you
You'll better understand why quetioningly, aroused
In such founded realization develop where only so few
By allowing God, "in" where Both are better housed

Thursday, October 30, 2014


Appeal to inner-self, then to fellow man, before you do, God
For such may be the order that ends in a successful appeal
In that sequence solved long before, thought by God, be heard
Opposed to,from self and others but the matter, concealed

Appeal first your calmness, objectivity; so approach; so others
Encouraging in them  with as (by yours) an attitude, equally
You see God dwells within us all in such approaches of order
No longer needed of a separate appeal, as such an outer entity

Wednesday, October 29, 2014


Ordinary realization(s) of everything so ill in our lives
Governed by an intuition that this was not mean't to be
Accumulated evidence of "where" on such great divide
Dawns that it could only  be changed in effort,  Spiritually

Its for those reasons that Jesus was made, most welcome
In the parallels of birth; questioning of the then, society
The bitter attitudes of all concerned when this is so done
But with faith in Father (God) did not end, come Calvary

Tuesday, October 28, 2014


The true dentity of God,amongst man but fragemanted
As man visualises whole from each fragment of appeal
In each's partial vacuum but so left, in ways, tormented
For any expected fulfillment had remained as concealed

God's true identity remains only partial in those fragments
Awaiting man to to be able to connectly put it all together
In regard for each other, in recognition become so evident
In an urgency and priority that nothing else really matters

Monday, October 27, 2014


God's grace if of a precise, calculated allowance
Compensating ignorance owed of non-experience
Limited time/exposure; of such controlled chance
Over aspects needed for  either none or compliance

As such God's grace is never prolonged or to infinity
And consciously or not we do arrive at some decision
That we may not even associate as of our spirituality
As ordinary life is treated apart from God or religion

Sunday, October 26, 2014


Religions (if exhibiting truly of God) need not be attacked hence defended
For as characteristically(as God) spared of such; of as equal an immunity
And like Him, quite apart; ever potential and in His attributes, suspended
In a will hence attitude that responds all the world as a single community

Religions ( in real worship; reverence of God) caters not only its believers
Nor of critizing others seek to enhance (as ill done) its recruitment drive
But depend on the evidence of such as lives through a network of receivers
Who may experience  the sincerity, unselfishness; true worth of being alive

Saturday, October 25, 2014


Only in the lowering of our true human standard
Are we better accepted; "loved" by animals
To facilitate that medium encourage sub-standard
Even if only to have such at a minimal

Only in thinking/ acting in terms of' closer animal
Can we better relate to such, our pets
In limited living space adjusted to such communal
With animal in reversal role as vet

Friday, October 24, 2014


There is no travel necessary in actuality to find God
For He is integral and potent right within
If only as currently speculated, objectively furthered
Lively among your suspicions so seeking

No travel needed, particular location, required setting
For He is in your keep; well and within
It is merely a matter of real and consistent enquiring
Moved to eradicate of all indulged sin

Thursday, October 23, 2014


At least one popular religion is likened the contents of an empty bottle
Tightly corked against any spillage of its uninvestigated, concentration
Set sacredly on a shelf zealously guarded against any chance it topples
Where kept preserved from the smallest degree of possible depreciation

The worldwide membership remains in awe of every bit of its emptiness
As proudly, unwittingly, equate its keepers with the true holiness of God
As in that very content, before such, are led in the most serious addresses
Of equal bewilderment, with every revered compliance, they but applaud

Tuesday, October 21, 2014


God is not of pain, misery; even physical death
Of such outcome wronged of such responsibility
In their restoration and avoidance can He be met
In every aspect of truth, real and of all simplicity

Pain, any misery and physical death can be traced
Their origins; ignorance, disobedience hence sin
Where in denial of, but "over "conveniently placed
Depending on the situation man finds himself in

Monday, October 20, 2014


Religions are really pockets of beliefs
Tailored to their respective societies
Of their shortcomings offer of relief
Bounded relative good and attrocities

Only thus able to, "face-off" each other
Only thus can each other, demonize
Clashes under God of opposing, "orders"
Where God (as is, really) cast aside

Sunday, October 19, 2014


Life lived properly is an act of worship
The entire world but appropriate place
Truth and sincerity the required Lordship
With the presence of God in every case

Life lived properly attracts His attention
Of a clean environment; better so invite
The love for all, there feels His affection
On an energy of  well-being in His sight

Saturday, October 18, 2014


Most of the followers of any established religion
Never stop (even pause) to investigate (make sense)
In fact many follow out of, "upbringing" ; tradition
Emptily convinced (on however shaky) recompense

Most of the followers of  most any named religion
Trust the information of someone other than ownself
Of God neither experience nor love of such relation
But of a psyched upliftedness pretending such is felt

Friday, October 17, 2014


God has not abandoned us as widely, currently speculated
But as per new covenant empowered man, his own destiny
So did man, in every aspect chose, until now, totally ill-fated
No less of how grouped, themed; of mighty few, individually

God has not abandoned us, but we, the endowed responsibility
Converted a deferred, thwarted dependency, thought ought, Him
Hence misuse; the overlooking of our true (as intended) capability
Placing before us, in sum and final total, entire world(s) of sin

Thursday, October 16, 2014


Just as God's love; His touch in each is privately, perfectly understood
Just as can hardly be explained  in terms for others to relate
So too His written word as used (as mean't) in its setting and its mood
As it tailors/contours perfectly to suit our own unique state

God, as He relates to each one (of the billions) among on planet earth
Knows everything of us uniquely and so packaged, He responds
In light of every of each's peculiarities so adjusts His written word(s)
Thus only privately would His real intentions be ever found

Wednesday, October 15, 2014


If (as commonly, mistakenly done) you think God's written word is of a standard meaning
Then  (sadly understandable) you would have missed any communication as pertains you
And (just as regretably) of shortened, vital, missing information but so partially leaning
Altering your concept hence belief, thus level of faith; in fact, every thought and deed too

If (as in accepted forms of faith) you provide yourself as part of such, a shepherded flock
Relying on the shepherd and his sheep-dogs of an organizational, interpreted containment
Then so of Him, in His free, personalized, written communication, to you but so blocked
By allowing undesired, unhealthy, "in-between" of an otherwise refreshing arrangement

Tuesday, October 14, 2014


Only in the embodiment of God can man (mainly from himself) be delivered
Potent and practical of the teaching(s) of every, existing religion
If it were to be (as intended) by the believer to be primarily, justly considered
Thus made/become life's focus; all logical/logistical of life's mission

Only in the embodiedment of God can man (from currently revealed) be delivered
Simplified ; in a straight-forward way; Jesus of the New Testament
The most up-to-date of Scriptures; Handbook of upright living (for today) configured
In God's refreshed offering of Salvation; to all man, New Covenant

Monday, October 13, 2014


In, "honorable" loss of lives and at immense monetary expense
Citizens are recruited/ motivated, to even die, "serving"
Protecting all held zealously behind/within a "religious" fence
Demonizing the other of claim of God also, observing

In such, "honorable" loss of  lives, claiming God, their motivation
Man slaughters in exact ways, "terrorists" and "approved"
Implying that the (supposedly) revered God is of death/ destruction
Instead of their beliefs, investigating, "to all ends" go to prove

Sunday, October 12, 2014


With whom should, our one God be pleased; with whom displeased
When as fiercely competitive (to elimination) so violently, Him, "serving"
When they so bring (to an already troubled world) to its (bruised) knees
When they so overlook every good of each other; really worth, observing

With whom should God be displeased when religions but donned armor
So clad, sky-rocketed levels of hate through fatal violence is released
Sinking all in the pits of hell, all in the love for God and for such favor
In fire-power and held talks of peace that, "put-on-hold" but never cease

Saturday, October 11, 2014


Religions are merely traversed pathways first, acknoweledging then, finding God
That varies/ differs mainly per one's geography, culture or assimilation of another's
Of no other value and/or contention than of an accounted journey of Him, towards
In a myriad of "takes"  as life, globally as their (though not only) spiritual corridors

None of those pathways are ever, competitively (as attempted) by this one-God
To Whom, though of differing lengths and terrain (however, whatever may cover)
If ever to arrive at destination or as even within proximity, found as equally loved
Of no difference except as (by them) named and by the way so chose as recovered

Friday, October 10, 2014


 Except for faith, if your concept of God follows no logical sequence or order
Incapable of intellectual understanding; of practical, everday, common-sense
Then, set correctly, you should (and be  expected) to take not a step any further
Lest it should be of mere company (as often) a bond of, "holy" common pretence

Except for the want of necessary faith (as nested in) as such confirmed evidence
So "moved" become resolute/ confident (though quite alone) in yet unclear direction
Can ably rely on all (the so personally, gathered information) better making sense
So off on a course of comfortable belief through a truthful, sincere self-connection

Thursday, October 09, 2014


God is not a garment donned to make some impression
Or protective gear over emotional hurts; "personal injury"
Or a way of gaining easy access; unrestricted permision
Nor of appointment of anyone on a panel of life's jury

God, as such is not at anyone's will or of convenience
Though/while providing concrete evidence of Himself
Easily distorted without objective analysis of experience
So displayed another God-forsaken trophy atop life's shelf

Wednesday, October 08, 2014


How great a nation when they think themselves, God's idea
Of what all the other nations should be
Of their attitudes, values and though they do not, as they say
With them expect (the lesser) others to agree

How great a nation, narcissistically proud of all they could do
Where their lives are of the only worth
Privately knowing different so compensatingly try have approve
Best! In impressions to the"less" of earth

Tuesday, October 07, 2014


Eventhough choice by its nature is clearly dearly, sacredly optional
Makes it imperative that the consequences be justly weighed
Found inappropriate, at first sign but willing of instant withdrawal
'Though so shortened of ill consequence still justly prepared

Choice is man's greatest challenge to his able, intellectual capability
Laced with a strong tendency to go with the easiest way out
Influenced with as many egos, bad experience hence poor mentality
That may but still affordedly alter; even criss-cross routes

Monday, October 06, 2014


 God as, "exhalted" in His many ways and forms, remain (constantly, sacredly) unlimited
Except (like in the necessity of those many ways and forms) of man's own restrained beliefs
Indicative and proportional to the allowed depth of relationship thus how strongly comitted
Closely along with the preparedness for sacrifice(s) versus merely of asked hand-outs/relief

God as,"worshipped" invariably, of mulitple forms and ways but (remain) gracefully tolerant
Allowed of man's created, intellectual capability, in closer approaches, figure it out; being ill
Thus'though adversely, this afforded time; its events so graced of his (yet) genuine ignorance
Turns God's displeasure, when within obvious shortcomings, religiously insist as all fulfilled

Sunday, October 05, 2014


God speaks to you full-time and guess what? You fully understand
By examining and deducively arriving of all, in-essence to you, sent
In mindful sorting, storing, bringing to remembrance when of demand
Anything emotional, resultant comes as a, "cost-of-living", bodily expense

God speaks to you full-time but being not oriented to His measure(s)
Label yourself smart/stupid by the selective empowerment of that learn't
Yet, by experiment all are enabled to plot a way as points life's treasures
Where of no outward blame if, with all  allowed, find you just couldn't

Saturday, October 04, 2014


God speaks personally to each; every one of us
But being unconscious; disoriented to those ways
Have thus to lesser speak, confide, listen; discuss
Instead of  lasting solution; procrastinated dismay

God speaks personally to each; every last one of us
Just as well answers every request; unspoken prayers

  • But at most times, of our own insecurity not of trust

For it takes first, facing then overcoming, worst fears

Friday, October 03, 2014


God is generally called upon/ surrendered to, when all else has failed
A sort of reserved for emergency; a Spiritual nine, one-one
A brief intense belief of His true characteristics; what indeed is entailed 
That remains appreciated only until of what needs get done

We never switch to the learned, fulfilled dependency brought  us to such light
Nor of a followed sustenance of the same level and kind
But to discount, a Spiritual tangent to us available, one we can forever as might
Not ever as a possibility of  a better existence suggests/remind

Thursday, October 02, 2014


In both sanity and insanity touched lives, attempted traditionally could not be reached
Simlarly, "over one beer:" without any other purchase, so too, at least one prostitute
Commented (invited at times) but mostly unasked where observed, soundness breached
Or where God was cunningly peddled as some manipulative substitute

In my life (as any other's) but learned to regard (intended thus undertaken) a sacred journey
Of once seemingly obstacles became able challenges, courtesy signs; directions
In the absence of such realization but counselled (in aid of acquittal) by own, inner attorney
In court of mind, in ill mitigation, reduce life to sentences of ill per each's situation

Wednesday, October 01, 2014


On arriving became instantly aware
Of my; life's frailty
To God I appealed in some sort of way
Unaware, His true identity

Shortly after got His response to my, "prayer"
In asked, desired outcome
Been closely related to Him since that day
In disciplined, cheerful returns